Kun Lun is a Chinese Thriller, Drama (2024). Kun Lun cast: Wang Chu Ran, Zhao Hua Wei, AJ Donnelly. Kun Lun Release Date: 2024. Kun Lun Episodes: 50. Hong Ye is a virtuoso his motivations start from the dream domain.
Kun Lun Detail
Drama: Kun Lun (2024)
Director: Lu Hao Ji Ji
Main Stars: Wang Chu Ran, Zhao Hua Wei, AJ Donnelly
Genres: Thriller, Drama
Country: China
Language: Chinese
Release Date: 2024
Season: 1
Episodes: 50
Also Known As: Kun Lun Gui, 昆仑归, Kun Lun 2024
Kun Lun Synopsis and Plot Summary
Hongchuan, just nine years of age, has a virtuoso funny and most of his motivation originates from his dreams. Hongchuan has an astounding presentation in his fantasies and has made a trip to various dark areas.
A matured 18 Lingkong is a young lady. Her power comes from a secretive chip what is integrated into her constitution. It is fit for captivating and grant you to disappear and be a piece of others’ dreams.
Hongchuan’s fantasies helped the reasonable group of the venture in the country that was under an area of shadows Lingkong to dispose of “outcast remnants”, and Lingkong’s superpowers were additionally actuated. various capacities that were cleared overall around the collection of Hongchuan.
Two wellsprings of force from 30 light years away were brought to Earth and a tempest of jumpy fears as well as odd conditions resulted.
In the conflict against the ethically bad and strong, the Hongchuans and Lingkong were in peril commonly, yet their darlings were battling to guard them from risk. The last fight was battled at the Kunlun Mountains both the great and evil battled to win their prizes and the genuine story behind the Hongchuan’s story was uncovered.
Hongchuan turned into an intergalactic crossover breed which can join blood of Earth and blood of individuals that are not initially from Earth. Eventually, Hongchuan at last acknowledged his situation to the higher domains of the outcasts. Then, at that point, he got back to Earth and continued normal daily practice.
Kun Lun Cast
AJ Donnelly as Fremont
Winston Chao as Bu Ke
Vincent Zhao as Bu Ke
Wang Chu Ran as Ling Kong
Xu Zhen Xuan as Xiao Lang
Steven Dasz as Boxing coach
Zhao Hua Wei as Hong Ye
Yuri Khlystov as Booker’s assistant
Thomas Fiquet as Dr. Charlson | American Research Scientist
Rain Li as Ling Jing Wei
Yu Qian Qian as Ling Kong | Young
Zhu Yong Teng as Liang Meng Tian
Zhang Yu Ting as Liu Xing
Zheng Xiao Dong as Lin Jia Yao
Anderson Cheng as Tai Zi
Qi Dao as Niu Qing
Wu Nien Hsuan as Yang Cheng