Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19

Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun is a Chinese Romance, Drama (2023). Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19 cast: Wang Zu Yi. Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19 Release Date: 26 October 2023. Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Total Episodes: 24.

Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19 Synopsis and Plot Summary

While Meng Ning Jiang Yao and Ning Jiang Yao are best friends their personalities are quite different. Jiang Yao is a popular student at the school, and is the most troublesome for teachers. Meng Ning is a nerdy student who excels in school but is withdrawn.

The primary value and meaning of life is to be a diligent student and then go to university with the best future.

Then everything changes after Jiang Yao sufferes in a car accident, and then enters in a vegetative state. her soul was reincarnated alongside Meng Ning.

They tried many methods to convince Jiang Yao to return to her body however, they were unsuccessful. However, after conducting research, they found the only Meng Ning was able to see Jiang Yao’s soul and then they formed a very unique relationship.

Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19 Detail

Episode Name: Episode 19
Network: Youku
Main Stars: Wang Zu Yi
Genres: Romance, Drama
Country: China
Language: Chinese
Release Date: 26 October 2023
Season: 1
Total Episodes: 24
Episode Number: 19
Also Known As: Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19 Season 1, 与你相遇好幸运, Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Epi 19

Yu Ni Xiang Yu Hao Xing Yun Episode 19 Cast

Wang Zu Yi as Gu Qing Zhou

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