Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21

Nine Times Time Travel is a Chinese Romance, Drama (2023). Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21 cast: Daisy Li, Lin Feng Song, Fan Xiao Dong. Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21 Release Date: 19 November 2023. Nine Times Time Travel Total Episodes: 22.

Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21 Synopsis and Plot Summary

Scientists in the field of brain research Shan Yu accidentally learns of the passing of his first girlfriend Min Ying.

She had a candle to celebrate her birthday prior to the time she passed away; Shan Yu lit the candle and a miraculous event occurred by the light of the flame.

The candle may be able to take him back 10 years ago! Shan Yu crossed many times to save his love and accidentally created the butterfly effect.

A long-lost past that’s been kept secret for the last 10 years has now come to light.

Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21 Detail

Episode Name: Episode 21
Network: Tencent Video
Main Stars: Daisy Li, Lin Feng Song, Fan Xiao Dong
Genres: Romance, Drama
Country: China
Language: Chinese
Release Date: 19 November 2023
Season: 1
Total Episodes: 22
Episode Number: 21
Also Known As: Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21 Season 1, 与你的九次相遇, Nine Times Time Travel Epi 21

Nine Times Time Travel Episode 21 Cast

Daisy Li as Min Ying

Lin Feng Song as Shen Yu

Fan Xiao Dong as Support Role

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