Born to Be Alive (2024)

Born to Be Alive is a Chinese Drama (2024). Born to Be Alive Cast: Tong Yao. Born to Be Alive Release Date: 2024. Born to Be Alive Episodes: 45.

Born to Be Alive Detail

Drama: Born to Be Alive (2024)
Writer: Gao Man Tang
Main Stars: Tong Yao
Genres: Drama
Country: China
Language: Chinese
Release Date: 2024
Season: 1
Episodes: 45
Also Known As: Life Tree, Sheng Ming Shu, 生命树, Born to Be Alive 2024

Born to Be Alive Synopsis and Plot Summary

The story tells of the Baipugen family. Baipugen who resided in Golmud who took in the young girl Baiju. As she grew older and established the first yak research and study base in Qinghai and then created an yak beef food processing facility to serve the villager.

We are eschewing the traditional way of earning a living through poaching and coal mining and transform it into a tale of eco-friendly products that help people get free of poverty and making a fortune. It is clear that the lives of its main characters are closely linked to the hot and sweltering land.

They helped villagers become wealthy in order to “run for a well-off” as well as gave their young ones as well as their life to the security and construction for their houses. The General Secretary Xi Jinping said To achieve our goals of development it is not enough to be strong physically as well as spiritually.

Born to Be Alive Cast

Tong Yao as Main Role

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